Saturday, October 16, 2004


alrite. here 2 post. hopefully e 60seconds darn virus thingy don pop up i suppose. alright so ytd ish seriously e most meaningful day of my life. felt so great man seriously. n nvm so for today wanna wish jUsTiNa a very HaPpI 14tH BiRtHdAy!

heehee`!! okay so to noe e details wat happen ytd? theres simply too much. n of cos NO WORDS can explain the feeling ytd. a joyous occasion. relli. =] thinkin of it oso can cry`! =x okay so i`ll summarize it out. ytd we threw a great big suprise to justina! me vera nat ciauer stayed at sch at 1st to design a GIGANTIC card for justina!! i drew e 8 piggies one.. den we gav some of e teachers sign on e card too.. feel so successful after drawin finish e card oso.. haha n den many things happen lar.. but i wun reveal e details *wInK* =p n we actually r celebrating her bday one day earlier which was ytd lar. den she kinda had no clur to wat we were doin wor! wen we went her house she summore was slpin! we so evil huh e suprise =pp theres more to come. hahz! alright den we blindfolded her k.. =x me nat vera ciauer went 2 her house 1st while pam teng huiyi n pei wen were at her house dwnstairs plannin treasure hunt. exciting hor! =p okay so while justina was blindfolded. nat n ciau er were bz at e kitchen cookin` den me n vera entertained justina while she was blindfolded ^^" but some time later vera donno walk here walk there`~ left me tok nonsence there oni! lol.. yea! den finally everyone came up.. n we put properly everythin lar.. den unblindfold justina! n ta-da~ we sang bday song to her and blew bubbles?! yea we did.. lol =p n i guess everyone at dat point were so touched.. =] justina cried wor! don cry kk.. wat we did was all for u ya! so be happie! frenz forever piglerts =D okay! n den we had our lunch which was prepared by nat n ciauer.. maggie mee! haha.. aldou not relli fillin or anythin.. but its e effort ya! eat liao oso very happie one! cannot understand right u all? =p so nvm~ haahz` k den after eating finish` we watch e movie flash done by vera! very very nice one.. got e song because u live as bg music, n in e movie got a lot of jesse mccartney's foto n our fotos too of cos! ^^v very very nice flash.. c liao all got tears welled up in eyes liaoo.. =] e song brings back so many memories.. too many memories back in fact. :') yay! so afta dat we ate her bday cake.. chocolaty =p n we went to play treasure hunt! yay.. =pp FUN hor.. so she finally solved e treasure hunt n found e prezzie =p its a fluffy and pink piggy foto frame! wif e card we made of cos. worth it? definitely. =] a day treasured forever- and of cos theres other things followed up after e treasure hunt.. but` nvm.. as long as its in our memoriez. :)
because u live ; jesse mccartney-


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